COS Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Mission Statement
Circle of Seasons Charter School ignites a love of learning, kindles excitement and discovery, and instills a deep sense of community and service to the greater world. We foster each individual’s creativity, imagination, humanity, and scholarship by cultivating integrated experiences that support students along their developmental journeys, awakening hearts, hands, and minds.
Vision Statement
Circle of Seasons Charter School inspires change in public education by equally valuing intellectual and physical growth, social-emotional learning, connection to the creative, and the freedom, time, and space to do meaningful work.
We awaken and empower each individual to find purpose, honor the diversity of humanity, and foster respect and stewardship of the natural world as actively engaged, globally-minded citizens.
Our entire community invests in the betterment of the whole by nurturing a sense of belonging, creating a space for listening with the intent to understand, and enjoying continual study and self-growth.
Core Values
Preserving Childhood
Educating the Whole Human Being
Honoring the Individual
Enlivening Community
Learning through Exploration
Embracing Creative Capacities
Experiencing Awe & Wonder
Practicing Social Justice
Fostering Connection to the Natural World
Living with Integrity
Evoking Joy & Kindness
Teaching as an Art
COS Diversity and Equity Statement
Circle of Seasons values and honors diversity and welcomes students, families, and employees from communities of all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, racial, gender and sexual identities, people of all abilities and neurodiversity, family structures and lived experiences.
Circle of Seasons' community is a rich tapestry woven from the diverse threads of our community members. We strive to create an inclusive environment in which the identities, experiences, and perspectives of individuals and communities are recognized, valued, and honored. As part of this work, we cultivate a shared understanding of diversity and inequity within social and historical contexts. We commit ourselves, as a school and community of practice, to reflect, assess, and act upon these values.
Política de diversidad e inclusión
Circle of Seasons valora y respeta la diversidad por lo que da la bienvenida a estudiantes, familias y empleados de cualquier nivel socioeconómico, tradición cultural y religiosa, identidad racial, sexual o de género, estructura familiar, experiencia de vida y habilidad física o neurológica.
Circle of Seasons representa a una comunidad diversa que busca crear un ambiente inclusivo en el que todas las identidades, experiencias y perspectivas, tanto individuales como colectivas, sean reconocidas, valoradas y respetadas. Para lograr este objetivo partimos de que la diversidad e inequidad son consecuencia de un contexto social e histórico. Por lo cual nos comprometemos a que nuestra escuela sea un espacio de reflexión y evaluación, además de generar acciones que reflejen estos valores.
بيان التنوّع والشمول.
تجلّ "دائرة الفصول" وتحترم التنوّع. وهي ترحّب بالطلّاب والأسر والموظّفين الّذين ينتمون إلى مجتمعات ذات خلّفيات إجتماعيّة وإقتصاديّة وثقافيّة متعدّدة بغض النّظر عن إختلافهم العرقي والجنسيّ والتوجّه الجنسيّ والقدرات والتنوّع العصبيّ وهياكل الأسر والخبرات الحياتيّة.
إنّ مجتمع "دائرة الفصول" هو نسيج غنيّ محبوك من خيوط متنوعة تمثّل أعضاء مجتمعنا بأكمله. فنحن نسعى جاهدين إلى خلق بيئة شاملة تحترم وتقدّر وتقيّم كل الهويات والخبرات ووجهات النّظر. وكجزء من هذا العمل، فنحن نصقل تفاهم مشترك للتنوّع وعدم المساواة ضمن السياق الاجتماعيّ والتّاريخيّ. كما وانّنا نلتزم كمدرسة ومجتمع ممارسة لعكس هذه القيم والعمل عليها.